K-10 Education

We strive to work collaboratively with our parents and actively encourage involvement to assist development and implementation of Individualised Education Plans. In working together, we ensure we are delivering the best possible opportunities for each and every student.

Students’ interests, areas of strength and need are identified so that teaching can be personalised and progress is monitored throughout the year. This information is clearly articulated in the student’s Individual Education Plan.

Teachers align personalised learning plans with the Western Australian Curriculum which includes the Abilities Based Learning Education Support Western Australia (ABLEWA) curriculum to guide the teaching, learning and assessment of English, Mathematics, Science and Humanities, Social Sciences, Health and Physical Education, Languages (Auslan), the Arts and Technologies for students in K – 10.

A range of assessments, which include the Abilities Based Learning Education Support (ABLES) assessment tool, are used to identify and describe students’ performance against their individual goals, formally reported to parents at the end of each semester.

English (Language, Literacy and Communication)

Language, literacy and communication are critical from both a personal and educational perspective. We place a significant emphasis on developing communication competency for students with complex communication needs and acknowledge that modes of communication are often specific to each individual.

Our specialist communication team guide and support our teachers, education assistants, peers and family members to implement appropriate AAC interventions across all classes and enhance communication. A combination of non-electronic aids (visual supports that include timetables, schedules, calendars and social stories, pictures, symbols, signing, core vocabulary boards and communication books) and electronic aids (speech generating devices, computers, tablets, aided language displays and core vocabulary boards) are integrated into the school’s learning programs to complement more personalised approaches developed in collaboration with the student’s therapists.

Our whole school literacy approach is based on the Four Blocks approach of Guided and Shared Reading, Writing, Self-Selected Reading and Working with Words.  Our Balanced Literacy program enables students to develop their reading, writing, speaking and listening skills to become effective, literate communicators.

A range of school-based assessments provide information to inform teacher planning and student achievement. Teachers track students’ literacy and communication progress using the Roadmap of Communicative Competence (ROCC), the Literacy Bridge and the ABLES Reading and Writing, Speaking and Listening and Communication assessment tool.


All students undertake numeracy activities daily, learning skills consistent with their individual learning abilities that develop numeracy skills through meaningful and engaging learning experiences. Activities include explicit lesson instruction as well as concept learning. Students develop understanding by accessing environmental print and using numbers in everyday situations with an emphasis on promoting functional skills for life such as exploring the concepts of time, measurement and money.

A range of school-based assessments provide information to inform teacher planning and student achievement. Teachers track students’ numeracy progress using the Sandwell Early Numeracy Test (SENT) and the ABLES Mathematics assessment tool.

Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS)

As with much of our content, Science, HASS is embedded across daily learning with an emphasis on hands on learning to develop a greater understanding of self, community, the local environment and the wider world. The cross-curricular approach allows for simultaneous learning in Mathematics, English and Technologies through high interest and engagement activities based on issues relevant to the students or currently in the news.

Health and Physical Education

In addition to our specialist sports clinics, our weekly sports program provides the opportunity for our students to engage in a variety of different sports. Our lessons focus on sportsmanship, sharing and helping others to have a go whilst developing physical skills associated with each type of sport. All students are actively encouraged to participate and lessons are framed in a fun, engaging way.

These lessons compliment in class learning about personal health and hygiene which is delivered in group settings as well as smaller group learning tailored for individual need.

The Arts

The Arts are an important way to express feelings and emotions and a means for communicating, demonstrating learning and sharing experiences with others. Students use a range of mediums and experiences to express concepts and themes they are currently exploring.

Weekly lessons include music and dance (Primary), drama and visual arts (Middle School) and Media Arts (Secondary) led by our Specialist staff. Lessons involve hands on learning to develop individual and group skills and students enjoy the opportunity to perform or showcase what they have learned and created.

Languages (Auslan)

The explicit teaching of Auslan and Key Word sign occurs throughout daily learning, during Positive Behaviour Education lessons, engagement in our Glee Club and aligned with student’s interests, needs and priorities. The strength of key staff is leveraged to build knowledge in students and colleagues to consolidate these communication modes.


Our Science specialist teacher conducts weekly lessons focused on an integrated learning theme promoting discovery learning. Learning concepts occur in our purpose built science lab and are graduated and age-appropriate to support students develop a meaningful and relevant understanding of the world around them.


The Technologies curriculum incorporates both Design and Technologies and Digital Technologies. Within Design and Technologies (Engineering principles and systems; Food and fibre production; Food specialisations; Materials and technologies specialisations) students have the opportunity to study at least one of these contexts as part of planned integrated learning opportunities such as STEM projects, Enterprise and work related learning.

STEM is an integration of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in one learning experience and is led by our Specialist STEM teacher. At Malibu School our STEM approach focuses on using project-based learning to reinforce authentic and real-world applications. A STEM program differs from traditional science and mathematics education in the way that lessons blend an interdisciplinary and applied learning approach. STEM programs are project based and assist students in developing and enhancing computational thinking and applying problem solving abilities to real-world applications. 

Through participation in STEM, students at Malibu will engage and explore with project-based learning, allowing them to implement gained skills and abilities from all KLA’s to solve real-world problems and challenges.

The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen and Garden Program incorporates aspects of English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences and Technology and supports students to develop basic gardening and food preparation skills and knowledge with a focus on teaching students how food is developed, grown and then cooked – also known as the ‘garden to plate’ philosophy.

Our working garden provides an outdoor classroom for students to develop practical skills for the care of their environment, knowledge about their surroundings, weather, animals and insects and the safe way to interact with each. Students are encouraged to demonstrate independence and responsibility as they share increasing ownership of our school garden.

As part of the program, all students are timetabled to develop independence when making simple meals in the school’s custom-built kitchen. Skill development is focused on each child’s current ability and works towards fostering their independence. This may include simple tasks such as identifying equipment and food or more complex learning such as following a recipe. Students are supported to make connections between the food we eat and where it has come from as they increase food recipe use from the school garden.