
Attendance Policy and Procedures

For children in Pre-Primary and above, full time education is compulsory for students until the end of the year in which they turn 17. Under legislation it is the duty of the parent/carer to ensure that a student of compulsory school age is enrolled and attends school.

Regular attendance is essential to assist students to maximise their learning. At Malibu School, we expect for all students to attend all day for every school day.

School hours are 8.45am to 2.45pm.

Students are requested to be dropped off no earlier than 8.30am and picked up at 2.45pm.

Students who are late or miss school due to sickness must have a note, text or email sent to the School by a parent or caregiver.

Indicators of students at risk include frequent lateness and Increasing / Unexplained absences.

Our school will regularly monitor, plan and implement strategies to improve a student’s attendance in consultation and with support from families and support providers. Parents/carers will be contacted if the student is deemed to be at risk due to poor attendance. Where there is an ongoing history of frequent lateness and / or unexplained absences, strategies to support regular attendance may include home visits by our Badged Attendance Officers, an invitation to attend an Individual Attendance Plan (IAP) meeting and referral to the Student Engagement Team at regional office for further support to improve attendance.

Holidays during school term

Our School acknowledges holidays are an enriching experience, although by law, every student is expected to attend school every day. Teachers are not obliged to accommodate students on holiday with learning programs. Catch up work will be provided when a student is absent in the case of illness.

Parents who wish to take students out of school for the purpose of a family holiday for longer than two school days are required to apply to the Principal by email or in writing, at least two weeks prior to the intended holiday absence, the purpose, noting the dates and child’s learning opportunities for the holiday.

Contact us to advise of your child’s absence.