
Malibu School was established in 1982 and is a purpose-built Kindergarten to Year 12 specialist school in Safety Bay for students with intellectual disability, physical disability, sensory impairment and/or autistic spectrum disorder.

We are an inclusive school and welcome all students and families, valuing respect for all people, cultures and religions. This includes a focus on embedding the Aboriginal Cultural Standards Framework across all aspects of our school and daily life. In this way, we are progressing towards a Cultural Responsiveness that acknowledges the traditional owners of our land and respects Aboriginal elders past, present and emerging.

Students attend Malibu School from areas that include Rockingham, Safety Bay, Baldivis, Warnbro, Karnup, Waikiki, Port Kennedy and Mandurah with the majority of students accessing the Schools Bus Services home/school transport assistance.

Parents and families are the pivotal partners in meeting the educational needs of our students. Grounds and office staff, education assistants, social trainers, teachers and members of the school leadership strive to build positive relationships with our families through a range of personalised and whole-school planning and collaborative opportunities.

Parent / carer input is integral to the collaborative development of each child’s learning goals, as articulated in their Individual Education Plan, reported on twice a year.  We support our parents as partners through the provision of relevant support groups and workshops, complemented by ongoing case conferencing with key stakeholders, Local Coordinators and NDIS service providers, as required.

Vision, purpose, priorities and leadership

Our vision drives our purpose, which is for our students to achieve their preferred post-school pathway intentions, upon leaving school. To achieve our goal for A Future Without Limits, we identify appropriate targets and strategic intentions before aligning our annual planning to our school priorities as articulated in our Business Plan.

We are proud of our specialist staff who hold a deep commitment to the shared beliefs and core priorities of our school. Our commitment is reflected in our Leadership at All Levels model of distributed leadership with dedicated Senior Leadership Team coordinators for each strategic intention and priority area. These leadership teams use data, disciplined dialogue and evidence-based practices to drive continuous processes for whole-school improvement and the achievement of high quality practice.

Phases of Learning

Our school is organised into three clusters; Early Years and Primary School, Middle School and Senior School. Our small class groups provide the optimum environment to support the academic needs of our students. Classes are allocated within these three phases of learning clusters with consideration for individual development and chronological age grouping.

Students integrate with peers across their cluster classes in the playground and during whole-cluster activities. Whole-school assemblies and events occur throughout the year.

Students in the Early Years are given intensive support to develop learning skills that include literacy and communication skills that support a sense of self and a strong foundation for their school journey. The Early Years Learning philosophy of ‘Early Identification and Intervention’ is the underpinning focus in the delivery of everyday teaching and learning. 

  • Primary year learning builds on play-based and explicit instruction across all learning areas with Literacy, Communication, Positive Behaviour Education, STEM, Numeracy and Protective Behaviours pervasive throughout each day. Through well-structured learning, students are supported to develop a greater awareness of self and their connection with their community.
  • Middle School learning continues a focus on personalised learning while extending students’ connection with the broader community. This is fostered through programs such as community access and enterprise learning and reflected in the achievement of skills in the ASDAN Awards.
  • As students progress to the Senior years, the focus on developing independence is enhanced through personalised planning and authentic post-school learning experience engagement. These include targeted opportunities for vocational education and training and community-based education that includes community engagement learning and supported work placements to develop skills that will strengthen a successful transition beyond school.


The Department of Education promotes ethical practice and appropriate standards of conduct and behaviour and is committed to work and learning environments where all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. Therefore, the actions of our staff are guided by the Department’s values and Code of Conduct. 

In addition, Malibu School’s values reflect social responsibilities owed to students, staff, parents, carers, community members, and to each other. These values are given practical expression in the day-to-day operations of the school;

  • Leadership – Everyone in our school leads and is responsible for creating a school for A Future Without Limits. Whether it’s taking part in one of our Leadership Teams, leading a learning café, being a student leader or a member of the School Board; everyone is a leader in our school. We do what’s needed to empower each other so that everyone can be proud of their independence, learnings, contributions and achievements.
  • Community – We gather together to share, celebrate and simply to be in unity with one another. We encourage parents to immerse themselves in the day-to-day operations in our school. We thrive through interactions with our community contact where we can partner together.
  • Innovation – We constantly reflect and adapt our teaching and learning in response to the achievements of our students. We keep innovating to ensure that the learning experiences are individualised for each student. We aren’t afraid to try new ways of helping our students access learning and measure the impact of our adjustments.
  • Collaborative enjoyment – We love what we do and we love to play because so much learning happens through experimentation, particularly when we do it together.

Enrolment and enquiries

Malibu School is a school without a local intake area. Students who are enrolled at Malibu School must meet eligibility criteria. Each enrolment is considered on an individual basis to ensure that Malibu School is the best placement for the student. Please contact the school or visit our Enrolment page for more information.