Malibu School Newsletter - 2022, Term 4, Week 5
Principal's Pen
News from the Board
Meet the team! Teacher Simone Hiller
Junior 1
Junior 7
Middle 1
Middle 5
Senior 1
Special Events
School Bus Services - Important Information for 2023
Come and Visit the Uniform Shop!
Save the date! Friday is Junior and Middle Assembly 9am
Curtin Uni needs you!
Info from National Children's Week
KEYS - Kwinana Early Years Services
SWMPS - South West Metro Parenting Services
School Leaver Employment Support Info Session by Ability Action
Principal's Pen
Dear families
We've had an incredible start to our last term, with a heap of wonderful events, showcasing the brilliant skills, knowledge and effort of our students. Congratulations to our whole-school community for the most exciting Malibu Market Day yet. With record attendance, we were very pleased to have the opportunity to build on our employability skills in every year group. Feedback from the day was so very positive and I thank all families who could attend and the Malibu staff for their planning and team-work to create such an incredible opportunity.
It has also been the season for carnivals. Our recent primary swimming carnival with our local PESA Network schools was a huge success with every child present either in the pool or loudly cheering on their friends. Brilliant effort from all - with Malibu winning the trophy for safest school. Malibu School also won the perpetual trophy at the ESSN Athletics Carnival and congratulations to Jess and Mason for their medal awards and to Archie for his trophy at the ESSN Soccer comp! A huge congratulations to all of our champs - your Malibu spirit is always so great to watch!
Term 4 is the term for transitions and we are welcoming our incoming year 6 students and students who will be starting Kindergarten next year. It is also the term we start preparations for our graduating students. Our work in term 4 is always with a mix of feelings as summer approaches, we get the most out of each day while transitioning to say farewell to many students who have been with us for years.
It is a time when every member of the Malibu team reflects on our vision for a future without limits for our students and the role we all play in supporting every child to have a successful and meaningful transition beyond Malibu. Every member of our team contributes and we are priveledged to have a role in your child's journey.
I hope you enjoy the great read from the first few weeks of this term.
Kind regards
Merrilee Wright
My New Gallery
News from the Board
Hi families
What a great day at the recent Malibu Faction Carnival. A fantastic day, beautiful weather, everyone was so happy and relaxed (though there may have been some friendly cheating going on and a few wonderful dress-ups)!
I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you all to all who supported the annual Malibu Market Day. It was great to see all the different schools, Aboriginal Cultural dances by Koolingaas Kreate and our own magical Glee Club performance. The day was a success and good to see all the families mingling and catching up. Importantly, Happy 40th Birthday to Malibu School!
The School Board met last Tuesday and reviewed the Department of Education's Strategic directions and a summary of data from Semester 1. It is very pleasing to see the progress the school is making against the targets and goals set for the students and staff.
We also reviewd the Quality Teaching Framework and the work our school is doing for our children. The school has done much to make sure there is a strong pathway for our children for their futures, with a staff who use data to improve and dedicated to always learn more to make this happen.
I'd like to let you know that I'll be stepping into a new role as a Community Representative from next year. Although I won't have a child at Malibu School, I am very keen to continue my support for the school and Malibu family. This means that there is a position open for a new Parent Representative on the Board.
If you would like more information, or to nominate for this position, please click on the link below (please contact the school if you would like a paper copy sent home). We meet twice each term, have a bit of fun and the chance to support and say about Malibu is a great opportunity. Please do consider it!
Term 1 | Tuesday 21st February 9am (Wk 4) | Tuesday 21st March 9am (Wk 8) |
Term 2 | Tuesday 16th May 9am (Wk 4) | Tuesday 13th June 9am (Wk 8) |
Term 3 | Tuesday 8th Aug 9am (Wk 4) | Tuesday 5th Sep 9am (Wk 8) |
Term 4 | Tuesday 31st Oct 9am (Wk 4) | Tuesday 28th Nov 9am (Wk 8) |
School Board Parent Representative Nomination - Nomination close 3pm Friday 25th November.
Malibu School Board Chair
Leanne Stewart
Meet the team! Teacher Simone Hiller
Simone joined Malibu in 2015. She had been a mainstream Primary School teacher before stumbling across our school as a relief teacher, did one day, and the rest is history!
Simone is known for her incredible energy. She joins Debbie Flynn in leading physical education across the school. Simone is very proud of her 21st Century family, with a teenage son and a toddler, she makes the most of the precious time she can spend with them.
Her biggest dream is to help our students and school community to become more environmentally aware as we need to look after the plante, plants and animals for a secure future for us all. Simone has been leading our school to develop greater awareness and respect for our Aboriginal people and culture, supporting whole-school learning and how this relates to the land we play, learn and live.
Junior 1
Hello from Junior 1 where learning is always fun!
Our first day back at school saw us jump straight back into classroom activities and specialist programs. In STEM, Tatiana our teacher, has introduced us to the Code and Go Robot Mouse. Tatiana is modelling how they are programmed and can move across the floor to locate a piece of cheese. Over to our music class with our teacher Debbie, we are using a variety of our chosen instruments to sing along to a lot of beautiful songs including Teddy Bears picnic. We each hold a teddy bear and pretend we’re on a picnic eating some lovely fruit and drinking tea. We are all so keen to get back into the sports hall on Mondays with Debbie where we learn under and over, in and out and up and down with all the sport equipment she sets up to challenge us.
Back in class we began the week with our book “Find Spot at the Zoo” and will follow with “Two at the Zoo” and “Over in the Jungle”. We are continuing our Zoo theme with lots of craft including making a penguin, sloth, butterfly and snake. This will keep us so busy until we introduce “Christmas” into our learning just after the halfway mark of this term. We have “Dear Santa” all ready to read and Christmas craft activities will then take pride of place on our windows and walls for the rest of the year. We continue to sit at our desks each morning to complete our morning tasks which are reading a small book, attempting a jigsaw puzzle, tracing our name, and learning the sign language letters in our names. Over in morning circle we love listening to Bec reading the book of the week and using our ALD boards to read along with her.
During Market Day, we came together as a school and have stalls selling our goods made as a class. This was a fun day where we got to leave our classroom and visit all the different stalls set up as well as look after our own stall selling note books and book marks.
Such a busy time of the year that we will be not only proud of our achievements but exhausted by the end of term four. We look forward to posting pictures of us enjoying our learning journeys on Seesaw.
Rebecca Morgan, Mel Hines, Taryn Fortini, Fiona Walker, Claire Hannemann
Junior 7
It has been a fantastic Semester and we are already in Term 4 and students have been working hard on our theme of “Minibeasts”. It has been a great time exploring different insects, what they eat and where they live. Students have been reading books such as, Grouchy Ladybird, Very Busy spider, Ants go Marching, which is a good reader for literacy and maths. They have also been listening to dreamtime stories and learning more about Indigenous Culture, the dreamtime and music that corresponds with the stories being told. We have been making lots of Art projects that coincide with stories we have been reading, ladybirds, ants and caterpillars.
Everybody had an excellent time at the ESSN Cricket Day at Lark Hill Sportsplex. Throwing and catching balls, having a go at hitting soft cricket balls and aiming for the wickets. The students then moved onto different activities throughout the day practising ball skills with Malibu students socialising with other schools.
Students looked forward to the ESSN Market Day where they sold the products everyone has made in class. They have been making pet toys, cards and labels, our stall is called “Malibu Paws”, so we were excited for our family visits to have a look at what everyone has made.
Robyn Powell, Kendall Rowe, Sharon Hill, Jessica Shelly
Middle 1
M1 have had a great start to Term 4, learning sequences of everyday tasks such as toastie making, handwashing, toast making and toothbrushing. Most of us also got to participate in the Sports Carnival and all the staff were impressed with the students determination and participation. They all had so much fun! Well done M1 students for your fantastic efforts!!!!
Alex Brockman, Halima Krishna, Ellie Rawlings, Sue McInerney, Shelli Mace, Lucy Entwistle
Middle 5
This semester the M5 class have been working on our life skills and safety to start preparing for travel training and community access. The skills M5 have been focusing on have been, keeping safe as a class, making green choices and transitioning as a class group around the school for cooking and specialist subjects. With a focus to keep safe and transition safely as a class, we are now aiming to practice out in the community once a week. During a successful excursion to the Atwell Sports Carnival, M5 has demonstrated the skills and motivation to stay safe and stay with the class group. The whole class was so excited when it was announced over the speaker at the carnival that one of our students earnt an award.
Other important life skills being encouraged at school include opportunities to prepare morning toast, washing dishes, having picnics together on the school grounds, cleaning, and keeping our class tidy. M5 has been working hard to make sure we practice morning hygiene. We also celebrated how much we appreciate our Education Assistants by having a surprise party with the other middle school classes, where we enjoyed some party food and light refreshments. Dressing up for Book Week, eating a sausage sizzle and dancing at the disco were other semester highlights for M5.
This Semester the M5 class worked very hard on our Enterprise Product, the Chook 101 communication book, for the Malibu Market Day. Activities included photocopying, laminating, making advertising flyers, making posters, and learning about buying and selling as a class. Our favourite day of the week has currently been Friday where Verity opens her shop and students use their PB tokens to buy a special treat. During the Malibu Market Day it was a chance for the M5 class to really shine and show how we keep safe, show respect and always try our best, which we did magnificently. Overall, the semester highpoint for the M5 class would have to be the welcoming of a new student, Ashleigh, who joined our class end of last term, and has settled into the Malibu School Community very nicely, we are all very excited that she is a part of the M5 class.
Verity Besseling, Angela Tomlinson, Brittany Dyer-Smith, Katrin McLoughlin, Marc Antoinette, Raji Balakrishnan
Senior 1
Senior 1 Students are winding up their final year of school!!
We have been busy all year and thoroughly enjoyed Senior Camp. We had Market Day in week 3, where students made some yummy jams, created artistic boards, using pouring paint and grass heads ready to sell.
We have many fun excursions planned to finish out our final weeks together. Graduation for Year 12 students is taking place in week 8 on Thursday 1st December. Senior 1’s final day at school is the following day, Navy Day.
Last Friday afternoon, after creating some of our products, students had a relaxing afternoon socialising and working together building towers with Lego or puzzles with their chosen partner.
Kat Stubenrauch, Anna Nicholson, Annette Liley
This term the students have been using switches and circuits.
Key lesson outcomes for students is to be able to represent their current understanding of:-
- How a torch works
- Explain what they know about circuits
- Identify sources of energy ie: batteries
Students have used switches, wires, battery packs, globes, motors, alarms and fans and completed circuits that made light, noise and ran a fan.
We have learned how batteries work and how we get electricity today.
Rob Kelly
It has been an exciting time in STEM this semester!
Junior school students have been learning about patterns and lines found in nature and have been exploring patterns that are made up of their own “building blocks”. They have also started learning coding using educational robots, Mouse Robots and Bee Bots. At the same time, the students have been developing and strengthening their understanding of ‘forward’, ‘left’ and ‘right’ directions. Year 6 students have also been learning about hardware and software and how to collect data while playing games.
Middle school students have been focusing on developing their knowledge of digital devices and on differentiating of hardware and software we use in school and at home. During our STEM sessions we have been learning how to organise and present data whilst playing interactive games. In term four, they have started learning how to code using educational robots and an on-line program Scratch.
Students from Senior school have been learning about hardwood and softwood while working on larger woodwork projects, such as coasters and phone stands. They have been practicing their sanding skills using sanding blocks and sanding boards. They have also started learning how to use clamps to glue together parts of their projects.
In week four, we are going to make solar ovens for our STEM day picnic planned on 8th of November. Fingers crossed we will have a sunny day to cook our picnic treats, pizza crackers and s’mores!
Tetiana Rieutska
Tuesday 8th Nomember is National STEM day. We'll be doing some wonderful STEM learning, using energy from the sun to cook our picnic! You are welcome to do these great activties at home with your children.
How to Build a Solar Oven | The Science of Cooking | SciShow Kids - YouTube
Making S’Mores in a SOLAR COOKER | Full-Time Kid | PBS Parents - YouTube
Special Events
PESA Cricket Carnival
Our P-10 students were invited to attend the PESA Cricket Carnival at Larkhill Sportsground. Students participated in rotation activities that developed their ball skills, aim and batting skills. It was wonderful to see students of all abilities involved, joining in and above all - having fun. Special thank you to our helpers on the day, who set up the variety of activities and supported our staff and students throughout the whole event. It was a great opportunity for our students to connect with students from other schools and across year levels from our own school. Thank you to Simone, Katie, Leonie and Tricia for organising the event and for all the staff for providing extra support and assistance around the bus travel and participation in the event.
PESA Swimming Carnival
The PESA Swimming carnival was a huge success, with three schools joining in the fun of the day. Malibu students from Year 1 to Year 6 participated or cheered on their friends and we were so proud to win the trophy for 'Safest School". Our students thoroughly enjoyed the day and it was clear to see that last term's swimming lessons paid off, as we won quite a few of the events.
Well done to Jo Able for organising the event, thank you to the staff who jumped in the pool and assisted our students, and a big thank you to all the staff who supported and cheered everyone on from the sidelines.
ESSN Soccer Carnival
The ESSN Soccer Carnival was another great opportunity for our students to demonstrate their skills in some competitive games of soccer. Students from Lynwood High School Soccer Program supported our Malibu students and staff to participate in a Round Robin soccer contest, which saw some of our students come home with medals! We were very proud at the level of resilience and participation our students showed during this event. Thank you to the event organisers, staff and students of the soccer program for teaching our students some new skills and providing a fun filled day!
School Bus Services - Important Information for 2023
For families who require Transport Assistance for 2023 application forms must be submitted to the School Bus Services by Friday 25th November 2022. It cannot be guaranteed for families submitting application forms after this date that they will be processed in time for the start of Term 1 2023.
Families do not need to reapply if there are no changes to their circumstances or current school.
If your circumstances have change, for example change in school or address, then a new application is required. Applications can be made here or with our help at the front office.
If you have any queries please contact Melissa Roe, Tel: (08) 9326 2528.
Come and Visit the Uniform Shop!
Save the date! Friday is Junior and Middle Assembly 9am
Curtin Uni needs you!
Curtin University are conducting research into how parents seek advice and information for their children with developmental delays. The goal of this research is to improve the process for families seeking intervention and services for their children.
If you would like to know more about the project please contact Karen Wylie at or on 08-92664905 or visit the Facebook page
Follow the links below to complete the survey.
Info from National Children's Week
The theme for 2022 is based on Article 27: You have the right to food, clothing, a safe place to live and to have your basic needs met. You should not be disadvantaged so that you can’t do many of the things other kids can do. More information about resources and activities relating to Children’s Week 2022 will be added to this page closer to the date.
Staying Healthy - Nutrition
Good nutrition is especially important for all children with special needs, including children with chewing and swallowing difficulties.
What is Good Nutrition?
Having a balanced healthy diet, rich in all the food groups. Having enough calories or energy for normal growth and development.
Having enough fibre and fluids
Effects of Poor Nutrition and Overweight/ Obesity
69% of people with a profound/ severe disability are overweight or obese
Having poor nutrition and/ or being overweight or obese means an increased risk of developing chronic diseases including diabetes, heart disease, sleep apnoea and some cancers.
23% have diabetes or a high sugar level before the age of 25
These conditions lead to decreased life expectancy, increased hospitalisation, reduced mobility and generally poor quality of life.
Why are people with disabilities more likely to be overweight or obese?
Lower energy or calorie needs
Difficulty participating in physical activity
Medication effects
Being given serving sizes that are too large for their energy needs
Eating takeaway food, fizzy drinks, cordial, fruit juice and high energy treats
Not enough fruit, vegetables, wholegrain bread and cereals, low fat dairy or water.
For good sources of information, go to:
- Home | Crunch&Sip® (
- Vegetables: encouraging kids to eat vegies | Raising Children Network
- Nutrition for children – 1 to 11 years (
- About the Australian Dietary Guidelines | Eat For Health
Staying Healthy – Play
Curiosity and exploration are fundamental to learning, growth and development for all children, regardless of their abilities. For children with intellectual disabilities, specific safety considerations and strategies are required, e.g.; visual supports, giving clear messages, being consistent, teaching consequences and redirecting.
Help children play outside by:
- Spot suitable opportunities
- Recognise your child’s abilities and limitations
- Access your local environment
- Adapt and modify the environment
- Change the method of play
- Provide special equipment if required.
Give your child the opportunity to:
- Enjoy sensory play, e.g. water (supervised), sand, and garden with autumn leaves, bark and flowers, beach, differences in the weather – wind, rain and sun.
- Experience movement: swinging, fast movement, sliding, travelling through a tunnel, through water, horse riding.
- Practice co-ordination skills: Simple ball skills-hitting, catching and other gross motor skills.
When enjoying outdoor play with your child you need to provide a safe environment as children with intellectual disabilities are more vulnerable to injury.
Play, explore, enjoy and be safe.
Local websites to explore include:
- Aqua Jetty - City of Rockingham
- Welcome to Recquatic! - Kwinana Recquatic | Kwinana Recquatic
- Sports at the MARC | City of Mandurah
KEYS - Kwinana Early Years Services
Workshops for parents, carers and grandparents.
SWMPS - South West Metro Parenting Services
Courses, workshops and community network for parents and carers of children pre-birth to 18.
School Leaver Employment Support Info Session by Ability Action
Register here by Monday 21st November